Must act now

The following 6 ACTION points were sent by letter dated January 9, 2019 to:

  • The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
  • The Honourable John Horgan, Premier of British Columbia
  • Her Worship Lisa Helps, Mayor of Victoria

UPDATE: The Prime Minister delegated which got a little action to increase the distance between Orcas and whale watching boats, but that was already in the works. The BC Premier has never responded to anything sent to him. Mayor helps responded and continues to work on the sewage problem in her city and has opened a UV treatment plant, but at present it cannot handle all the city sewage, but that work continues, so some progress there.


Scientists and other marine mammal professionals, who have studied the Southern Resident Orcas (Pods J, K and L) for years have clearly stated for a long time that:

  • a) the blubber of the Southern Resident Orcas is laced with PCB’s, pesticides and other chemical toxins.
  • b) as we have seen, the Orcas in this area cannot reproduce and are expected to survive in area waters that are home to sewage, chemicals, plastics and oil
  • c) malnutrition and starvation are becoming more common for these area Orcas due to serious declines in their nutritious wild Chinook salmon
  • d) Orcas have complex dialects and echolocation so they cannot forage for their food or communicate with their family while in growing competition with ship noise.

Federal government websites state they are “working with our partners”, which is why our letter was also mailed to BC Premier John Horgan and Mayor Helps of Victoria whom are assumed to be the stated partners.
It is well known in this area that the below key actions must be taken immediately if the Southern Resident Orcas are to be saved from extinction due to us humans polluting their habitat, reducing their food supply and continually talking, but not decisively acting on the known solutions to save them.